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Broadcast Challenge Ends TONIGHT- March 15th‏

2013-03-15 3:49 PM | Anonymous
Final Day: Broadcast Challenge Ends TONIGHT- March 15th.

Today's the last day of the SAJA Broadcast Challenge and we need all the help we can get to raise funds for scholarships, reporting grants, workshops for mid-career reporters and a variety of other events for our members. Top South Asian broadcast journalists from around the country have offered to match donation SAJA receives from its members. Their special pool of money will match, dollar-for-dollar, all donations made, up to a total of $10,000.

Please chip in! No amount is too small! You can donate here via credit care or Paypal:

Any checks made out to us should be to SAJA Group Inc. and should be mailed to:

John Laxmi, Treasurer

17 Cotswood Road

Greenwich, CT 06830

All donations must be sent to SAJA Group, Inc. (not to SAJA). Donations to SAJA are NOT tax deductible.

SAJA Group, Inc. is a tax-exempt charitable organization which supports SAJA's programs and activities. Donations to SAJA Group, Inc. are tax deductible under current laws. SAJA Group, Inc.'s Federal tax ID number is: 55-0844632 and New York State ID is 20-70-28.

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