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Ted Scripps Fellowships in Environmental Journalism

  • 2023-01-09 12:51 PM
    Message # 13050071

    Take your journalism skills to the next level and deepen your understanding of environmental issues by applying for the 2023-2024 Ted Scripps Fellowships in Environmental Journalism. Five accepted candidates will audit courses, participate in field trips and weekly seminars, and work on a significant project. These positions are offered by the Center for Environmental Journalism, part of the College of Media, Communication and Information at the University of Colorado Boulder. 

    The program provides an $80,000 stipend. It also covers tuition and fees, paid sick leave, bus passes for local use, and attendance at the annual SEJ conference. Employment begins at the start of the Fall 2023 semester and runs for nine months through the end of the Spring 2024 semester. All university breaks and holidays will be observed.

    The fellowship is open to full-time journalists working in any medium who are interested in deepening and broadening their knowledge of environmental issues. It is aimed at outstanding journalists committed to a career in professional journalism.

    Applicants must have five years of full-time professional journalism experience and must also have a BA or BS college degree, at minimum. Applicants may include reporters, editors, producers, photojournalists, documentarians, and feature writers. Both salaried staff and full-time freelancers are welcome to apply. Prior experience in covering the environment is not required.

    We welcome applications from international journalists; however, please be advised that you must hold a current visa and be authorized to work in the United States at the time of application to be considered for this position.

    To apply, upload these documents to the CU Jobs website:

    ·       Resume/CV

    ·       Cover Letter/Professional Autobiography

    ·       Study Plan & Project Proposal 

    ·       Three Samples of Professional Work 

    Contact information for three references will be collected during the application process. References may receive an email request to provide a confidential letter of recommendation and will be given ample time to provide these once contacted, but you do not need to provide letters with your application. One reference should be your immediate supervisor or, for freelancers, from an editor who has worked closely with you.

    The application deadline is March 1, 2023. Detailed information about the fellowship and application can be found on the CEJ website. Please contact the Program Coordinator with questions:


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